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Sixteen years went by, and then one morning early Angus Og went through the pure cold air to the house of Finn and asked him to make peace with Diarmuid O'Duibhne. Finn was weary of the enmity, with such time lost, and so many killed. He agreed to give up the hunt against Diarmuid and Grainne. King Cormac Mac Art and Diarmuid himself were also glad to make an end of the feud, and thus it was done on the condition that Diarmuid, for his suffering, was given certain good lands.
These lands were granted. Then Diarmuid and Grainne went far away and lived in the place called Rath Grainne in the district of Kesh Corran. Grainne bore five children, four sons and one daughter, and the folk of that country agreed that there was no man more content than Diarmuid, nor any richer in gold and jewels and sheep and cattle herds.