Page 11


Searbhan the Surly was dozing at the foot of the rowan. Diarmuid gave him a thump with his foot, and the giant raised his baleful red eye.


'Have you a mind to break our peace, grandson of Duibhne?' said he.


'Not so,' said Diarmuid, 'but Grainne has a great desire for those berries, and I would have them for her.'


'Not even to save a child in her womb would I give her those berries.'


'Still, she must have them or die, and I shall fetch them whether you wish it or not.'


Then Diarmuid and the giant fought. Diarmuid cast aside his weapons and moved in close. He grappled the giant by his iron belt and heaved him from his feet. With a nimble skip he caught up the giant's own club and knocked out his brain with three mighty blows. Then, while Diarmuid rested, the two chiefs put the huge body under the sod and went to call Grainne. Diarmuid plucked berries for her, and the sons of Morna filled a fist from the top of the tree to take to Finn. The fruit from the top of the tree was sweetest of all, but the ones from below were bitter.


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